Open Registry Editor by typing ‘ regedit’ in Run or search box.While it all sounds efficient and slick at the moment, unfortunately, this facility is as prone to errors as any other process. This method will enable the startup service which is required for the language bar every time when OS boots up. Remember to take a backup of the registry before modifying it if you are not comfortable in making changes in the registry because wrong modification can cause an issue to Windows OS. Even though below screenshots have been taken on Windows 7, you can still safely use on latest Operating Systems. As said earlier, sometimes the language bar will be still missing from the OS even after enabling it because of startup service issue. These above steps are straight forward methods to show language bar in Windows OS. To change the input language quickly in Windows OS, you can use Windows key+Spacebar to switch between languages. Make sure the 3rd option ‘Hidden’ is not selected. The first option will make the language bar float on the desktop. Obviously, if you want to see it, you need to select ‘Docked in the taskbar’ option. Here you can choose how do you want to view the language bar. If still, you can’t see it, click on ‘Language bar options’ (2) to check one more option. By default, this option is disabled, so enable it if you want to see the keyboard input language option in Windows 10 taskbar.

If this option is not enabled, it will be shown in the notification area only.

Under the ‘Advanced keyboard settings’, check the ‘Use the desktop language bar’ option to show the language bar in Windows 10 taskbar. If not click on the (3) “Choose an input method….” to get additional options. Usually, the above step should show the language bar in the notification area.